Lets see, well Monday I spent most of the morning in bed due to migraine, got up slowly but by evening was feeling fine so went to writers group. This was because there was something of a three line whip on for writers group as the WEA is talking of cutting sponsorship. It is not actually all that clear what this sponsorship means to us (apart from extra work for Neil). The sponsorship is anyway going to end after Easter. This does not mean the group is stopping, just that it will become a free standing writers group. We no doubt will have to create some structure if only to share the administrative burden with Neil (he has eye problems, so a group secretary may well be in order at least and we will need to talk about treasurer). The group was good with one new person joining. I had not written one, ironic as I had the perfect base for the homework. The new person is another poetry major (yay that makes three of us).
Tuesday in work, bright maybe over bright but certainly no sign of the migraine. The roads however were treacherous. I got as far as the intersection between the path to my block of flats and the neighbouring one and skidded on sheet ice! The path has buckled really badly and the result was to form one slab basically into a puddle but it was slopping (don't ask how water sloped and froze, all I know is it did). I went straight back in and got the remaining cat lit and spread it over the area. The big advantage of fullers earth or cat lit is that it forms a sticky layer when in contact with water. That evening it snowed again so went out and put out more. People were allowed to go home early from work. Actually that happens more frequently in Sheffield than Manchester I put it down to snow preparedness.
Wednesday funny, could have been migrainous but managed work and doing what I needed. The only real hint that everything was not fine was that I needed coffee regularly and often. However so large was the demand for coffee the Students Union was out when I first went over. Must be a snow essential. It was still a snow day in Sheffield. I cannot remember much but I can remember making it into work and buying the coffee and printing out the papers. Shopped in the evening at Waitrose and did not slip on my way back.
Thursday was supervision day. This meant up early, get to the station (get out of front door, and toss up whether it is safer to struggle up to the tramstop or to walk down to the station, in the end decided to walk down to the station, as possibly less ice to contend with). I also discovered I'd missed taking my anti-migraine tablets the previous evening. This I think meant I spent the whole day slightly frazzled. On the other hand getting to see my supervisor is good. It always gives my PhD efforts a pep and I normally feel better in myself after going to one although I also normally have a lot of work. Actually was pretty good when I came in.
However next day was migrainous which continued to Saturday morning, however the migraine cleared on the saturday about noon and was replaced with a very able and doey mood. I got through tons on Saturday afternoon what is more remarkable made only one mistake and in such a way that I can rectify it next Saturday if I can get to town. I also managed to make soup and sort some more on the website plus write something for writers group. So in half a day managed a full days work. These times when I seem able to cope with lots, contrast as much with what is normal for me as the times when I am in bed with migraine. Not sure if they are just the other end of the wave or what.
Today went to church at Herringthorpe, a lot of talk over the weather, worship was led by two of the Sunday School teachers. They did well and I saw Pauline before and after worship so my presumption is she was there the whole time. The previous week they had been badly effected by snow so that even for a service taken by the moderator they only got a 50% turn out. Fortunately the christmas party which was due to be held next Saturday is cancelled.
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