Lets see if I can recall what has happened. I think I actually got some work done just before I sent the last letter, then there was all the difficulties of getting diaries to coalesce on a suitable date to review. On the Monday when we could have made it, they did not respond to my email until after lunch time and I went on a late lunch so did not pick up their email until too late. The result was that we could not meet until Thursday afternoon, which was not a good day for me as I was a lot more busy then than on Monday but all worked out.
Thursday also was my back to work interview. It looks as if I have at last found something that reduces "migraines", I checked through what had changed that might have led to the sudden rise and looking back wondered if I had accidentally cut down on my intake of magnesium, not something that I recalled having any effect on migraine but when I googled I found pages like this one about magnesium. Decided to see if supplementing with that would work and they have dropped to about one a fortnight I think. This is better than it was prior to Christmas, not perfect but a lot better and with not getting as many colds and the weather improving I hope my attendance at work will rise from even this level. The making pancakes on a Saturday for breakfast also seems to work in that I become then better at eating properly. I have still to sort out an appropriate filling suggestions welcome as I don't think cinnamon and sugar is quite right. I find it particularly good if I prepare the batter on Friday night so I know I have it in the fridge when I get up Saturday morning. I think having discovered that the batter keeps for 2-3 days in the fridge I will try making it up on Friday night and having pancakes on Saturday and Sunday as I find I am having to make more than I actually want to eat at present.
The weekend was writing. Unfortunately I went down with a cold on the Friday. I rang in sick, got back into bed and crawled out around 2 pm feeling decidedly off colour. I had hoped I'd still be able to write on the afternoon but my brain was not functioning even for reading novels. On the Saturday I was struggling until I decided to split writing out ideas and structuring the essay into two different tasks. A programme called Pagefour is good for this in that you can have a document divided into lots of different tabs (pages) and then you can write on a specific idea or topic in each page. Then later you can integrated them into a single document in word, I use a combination of copy and paste and re-writing.
This week work wise has been boring in many ways, I had few deadlines and it was time of the month, so that although I was in work I had very little useful concentration for the first three days. I did some reading of a book called "First things First" which claims it is fourth generation organising. Its okay, most of the new stuff is stuff I automatically have done already although writing out the things I would like to be thought of as in the key roles in my life was useful. It made me realise that certain roles are really the same role as I would want to have the same results. I other words I want to be the same focus as a person even though the people I am interacting with may be different. That meant I had a role free so I asked what would I want to add to these and found one that I normally count more as a technique than a role and thought about that.
Bible Studies are still going at Herringthorpe. We are still working through Nicky Gumbles take on the sermon on the mount. I am surprised at the way people are smug at some things and at others think they are impossible if God does not enable it. In may be a generational thing, but I am wondering why they think forgiving those who wronged you and living generously is so difficult while being honest and sexually pure is easy. It just seems a bit arbitrary to me.
On Friday ended up making Dhal and today have cooked rice. Saturday my parents were over. They seem to be keeping well although their lock broke the night before as they came in from a meeting with the local Methodist Church. They put it on the chain and put a stool behind it. Dad was all worried about how long it would take the locksmith to mend it. They rang at 8:00 a.m. the lock smith was their before 9:00 and had completed the work by 9:30 a.m.. Locksmiths appear to be a very different trade from some other groups you call in an emergency. The day was damp (not wet) and as they were late doing two things was not possible so we went and got a light meal at PJ Taste. Dad had a burger while Mum and I had bacon sandwiches. The burger was a venison burger so not Dad acting totally out of character.
Today to Herringthorpe and commented on how noisy coffee is. I am fast coming to the conclusions I must find something else to do during the early part of coffee. I am not bothered what but the noisy is such that I find I cannot hear anything at all. Otherwise the service was pretty decent call age worship and such.
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